Hello Everyone... I have exciting news! Well this is Saloon Stardoll's 100th post! How amazing!? And for this event I have decided to do something new.. a short series of posts called... Be YOUnique. And it will be all about how to make you medoll unique and your own. So I will start the series off with - hair do-overs. Here are some of the most popular Stardoll hairstyles:

You must have seen them around a lot right? They are gorgeous hairstyles. But try be different, try something new, don't go along with the crowd, be YOU. Here are some less popular hairstyles:

I think they are also really pretty just slightly harder to pull off and here are a few looks which I think suits the hair very well. What do you think? Sneak Preview of the next Be YOUnique posts... Standing out from the talk... can you guess what this will be about?
Hope you like this post!